Why is change so hard?
“I get up every morning determined to both change the world and to have one hell of a good time. Sometimes, this makes planning my day difficult.” — E.B. White
Welcome to 2020! It’s the start of the new year, and for many of us, we reflect on career changes we’d like to make: I want a job where I get to make a difference in the world, or have more opportunity to shine, or to be more engaged and have more fun.
Which of these sounds like you?
- I know what I want to change and I’ve already started!
- It’s been two weeks and I’m making progress!
- It’s been two weeks, change feels impossible and I’m giving up!
- I haven’t been able to get started because I don’t even know what I want!
Change is challenging for many reasons:
- Hard to get a vision
- Hard to have it feel manageable
- Hard to know how to get started, to take that first step
- And then the second and third steps
- Hard to know what to do when you run into obstacles (they are inevitable!)
- Hard to be gentle with yourself when you are trying out new behaviors
- Hard to give yourself credit for having the courage to say: I want things to be different. I believe they can be different. I’m going to push against the comfort of the status quo and try to change.
If you’re ready for change but not sure what it looks like or how to get moving, please reach out!
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